Welcome or not, change takes courage. There is uncertainty.
That’s where we can help.


Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life

– Naeem Callaway

Change is tough.

Even if it’s a change that you have been eagerly hoping for, such as retirement, or seeing your kids launched, or joining your lives and households together, there is often a messy middle between the past you’ve known, and what you want your future life to be.

When the change is not of your choosing – forced on you by circumstance such as the death of your partner, marriage breakdown or job loss – it is even harder.

Next Chapter is all about supporting people through changes in their lives. Whether the change is small or large, our mission is “empowering people in transition”.


Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through and start a new chapter in my life

– Carl Bard

About Lesley and Jim

In Lesley’s 20 years as a Certified Financial Planner® she’s helped hundreds of individuals and families navigate the financial path to their goals. Because money is only part of her clients’ story, she also became qualified as a professional coach. Thanks to her own life journey,. Lesley’s passion is helping people at the time they need it most – when the path takes a turn.

Jim is a business strategist with an impressive track record. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Dalhousie University.  He has led major projects and business units at prominent Canadian financial services firms including Bank of Montreal and Cooperators. In his past life, he’s owned a real estate brokerage and built his own log house.

Our core services are

Financial Planning

Getting clarity about your financial situation and owning some concrete strategies to strengthen it can be a huge relief. While we’d be the last to say that money is the most important thing in life, a solid financial footing can make it easier to focus on the things that are important to you.

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Transition Coaching

Transition coaching is a partnership that will help you figure out what those important things are, and how to move forward. We help you envision your ideal next chapter, figure out the small steps in the right direction and overcome whatever might be getting in your way.

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The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

– Socrates

Businesses change too.

Businesses and organizations also deal with change – sometimes constantly. It’s even more complex because there are often many affected stakeholders. Our business consulting service supports organizations that may be looking to grasp a new opportunity or must respond to an internal or external imperative such as loss of a key employee, or a change in market conditions. Owners of privately-owned businesses who are contemplating an ownership transition or sale may benefit from all our services since those changes take place at the intersection of your business and personal lives.


There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world – because you realize there’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.

Welcome or not, change takes courage. There is uncertainty. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. Sometimes there is something holding you back.

That’s where we can help.